Posts Tagged ‘brine’

Brine for Turkey

November 19, 2010

Brine for 5 lbs of turkey

I use this brine before frying or baking turkey. Recipe maybe doubled/ tripped for every five pounds of turkey!

3 tablespoons of bells seasoning

¾ cup of Florida sugar crystal or sugar

2 cups of water

3 Tablespoons of sea salt or Kosher salt

Mix ingredients and add to a large re-sealable bag that will fit desired amount of meat you are brining

Brine over night or for up to 3 days in refrigerator.

Rinse poultry before fry coating or cooking


Tip: Bell’s Seasoning created by William Bell has been around since mid 1800’s and is worth seeking out. Made in Massachusetts, all natural and no salt! Bell’s recipe has never changed over the years. This unique seasoning has 18 different herbs and spices and makes wonderful stuffing’s and can be added to gravies and turkey meat loaf.